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Collaboration means working together

Collaboration refers to the ability of team members to work together effectively to achieve common goals. This means that members share their skills and resources, contribute ideas and work in a coordinated manner to successfully complete tasks and projects. Collaboration requires teamwork, coordination and a willingness to share responsibility. A well-functioning team is characterized by efficient collaboration in which the strengths of everyone is used, and synergies are created.


How do we work together?

In addition to communication, there are many different aspects that should be considered for a good collaboration model. Many factors create an environment in which team members can work together efficiently to achieve common goals, starting with trust, role clarity, flexibility and appreciation.

Good collaboration means that everyone plays their part, whether managers or employees. Managers are certainly a strong influencing factor, but it would be short-sighted for employees to shirk their responsibilities.

A good example of how to improve cooperation can be seen in the following illustration:
The management of a technology company was faced with the challenge of repositioning itself in a rapidly growing market environment. The management recognized that the previous business strategy was no longer sufficient to remain competitive. They saw the solution in establishing a culture of innovation and customer orientation, whereby the cooperation of all employees, regardless of their position, gained in importance.