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Communication is the art of successfully communicating with others

Effective communication is essential for a team to function smoothly. Whether it is verbal or non-verbal communication, a clear and open exchange ensures that information is shared efficiently, misunderstandings are avoided, and team members are well informed. It helps to ensure that all members of the team feel heard and understood, so that information is shared, problems are solved, and conflicts are resolved smoothly.


How do we exchange informationen?

„100% of miscommunication is 50% your own fault,“ says Melissa Schlimm, founder of Ameliorate GmbH. Communication is therefore a two-way process and where it doesn’t work, both parties need to work on themselves. This is often forgotten, as is the fact that successful communication should be tailored to the recipient.

Do you formulate clearly? Not for you as the narrator, but for the listener, without any assumptions.

Do you formulate at the level of understanding of your counterpart? Technical terms, dialect and abbreviations can lead to misunderstandings. The CEO mutates into the Chief Engineering Officer, the sack into a bag, and coherence is assigned a different meaning depending on the subject area. (Optics: the property of light waves; linguistics: the linking of ideas in a text; psychology: cognitive ability to organize information in a coherent and meaningful pattern; electrodynamics: phase relationship between electrical or electromagnetic waves)

Communication is more than just talking – it is our most powerful tool to ensure that we are on the same wavelength as our counterpart, regardless of whether this takes place in a personal conversation, in business communication or in the digital environment.

How do I ensure smoother communication?

Ameliorate offers communication training and often brings up the topic of questions in the course of this. It is often assumed that it is awkward to ask too many questions. However, instead, it is awkward to leave the conversation with open questions!