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The look in the mirror: who are you when no one is looking?

Individuality is something special, and when many individuals put their heads together, there are many special features in that particular group that contribute to the success of that team. It emphasizes the importance of being aware of one’s own abilities and also being accepting of other abilities.

So the first step is to get to know yourself, explore your own abilities, recognize behaviours, challenge your beliefs and develop leadership skills.

Who am I?

Less philosophical and more practical, the question is intended to help you gain clarity about the personal preferences that carry you through life.

Are you someone who likes to make direct statements and ensure that decisions are made quickly?

Are you someone who comes up with ideas in a group?

If in a group, are you more of a listener or do you lead the discussion?

Do you like to stick your nose in books to gather facts and data to define your approach?


With the help of psychometric assessments (DiSC), you can test your personality and, based on this, drive your further professional development and take your appearance to the next level. Ameliorate primarily offers coaching for this, but workshops and supervision are also helpful tools. The aim is to gain a better understanding of your perspectives to ensure a confident appearance when interacting with others.

How do I check whether this is of interest to me?

The following reflection is no substitute for a scientifically based and verified test. However, if you answer honestly and take the real DISC assessment at some point, you may be surprised at how accurate this reflection is.
Soon, you will get access to the animal quiz based on the idea of DISC. Please register here to get access to the quiz as soon as it is online.